Fast Facts

The Sikh Welfare Council has worked tirelessly to help uplift the less fortunate among us - and the results have been encouraging. The following are some examples:

Turning Over a New Leaf

Back in the 1990s the number of Sikh inmates was alarming in comparison to the Sikh population in Singapore. There were a hundred inmates in drug centres and prisons throughout the country. With the help of volunteer counsellors, the numbers have gradually reduced over time and several former inmates today hold good jobs. We were indeed delighted to know that an inmate has set-up his own business, another owns a stall at a food market and a third has become a chef at a four star hotel.


Escaping the Poverty Trap

In 2009, there were up to 62 families who required financial assistance and/or food rations. That number dropped by about 30% at the beginning of the following year, with around 42 on similar assistance schemes. That number has now come down to less than 30 in 2011.

Some of the areas SIWEC assisted included:

  • Working with CDCs to find jobs for client or their spouse / child
  • Helping make insurance claims
  • Mediation to help reconcile families
  • Providing medical support, leading to the individual's ability to return to the workforce.
  • Helping families in dire financial situations rent out rooms.